Third eye mark (50 chakra)
A mark placed on the forhead of the user, this jutsu increases their seeing abilite (a little less effective the the hyugas kekagenki)
Deffects: uses alot of chakra only lasts 3 posts.
Hidden Shadow Snake Hand (20 chakra grab enemy/binds them)
Snakes lunch from hand grasping enemy, Mark is usally on their wrist or palm of hand
Hidden Shadow Blade (no chakra)
Summons a blade from user (applie a seal to a blade (mostly used for swords but can be used for other equipment such as med suplies, other weapons, armor, guntlet, well you get the point) the a sensei will give you a tat -places of your chosing-) This is a great jutsu for weapon users
Devils wind rush (40 chakra traps enemy does 10 damage every turn)
I spiral of black feathers and a blast of wind shot from the users paml (only place tat can be placed also only able you use if specail trained by Konton -meens winning a exam then taken him a specail teacher-)
Creation Rebirth (no chakra heals all wounds) Notes: Can only be used once a fight cuts hp in half
By releasing chakra that has been collected for some time she is able to heal all her wounds near-instantaneously, regardless of the severity of injuries